Who is present? Who is missing? Why?
People in privileged positions often fail to notice barriers to access because those barriers do not impact them. However, many significant barriers can be easily removed when leadership recognizes the diversity of human experience.
ALL IN understands that “women and gender minorities” is a catchall term that describes a diverse group of people with multilayered identities, all of whom encounter unique barriers in the workplace. We approach race, class, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, status of residence, and more through the lens of gender equity.
Source: https://media.ddiworld.com/research/diversity2023.pdf
As an ALL IN employer, you will develop internal resources to continually improve your policies and office culture. You will improve inclusion practices and ensure that diversity goes beyond hiring, but extends to every aspect of your work. You will learn how to support employees from marginalized communities, making sure that they are treated as the valued team members they are, not tokens of representation.
Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/women-in-the-workplace